Our scholarship administrators do a tremendous job supporting our mission and providing deserving seniors with scholarships on an annual basis. The following is a list of all scholarships that currently fall under the direction of the Scholarship Foundation which will be awarded during the current year. During 2023, our Foundation awarded over $50,000 of scholarships to deserving seniors. If you are interested in creating a scholarship to be awarded, contact information for the foundation President can be found in the "Chapter Content" section.
2023-2024 Active Scholarships
ACS Theater Scholarship
Preference will be given to a student who has participated in the district's theater program throughout their enrollment. Preference will also be given to a student who has shown exemplary leadership in this area and in their community. Applicants are asked to briefly list the productions they have been involved in and their roles. Applicants are also asked to describe their contributions to the program and how they feel they've benefited from their involvement. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Akron Masonic Lodge 527
Student must submit an essay detailing their scholastic record and must also indicate community service work they have completed. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Alden Chamber of Commerce Memorial Award
The Alden Chamber of Commerce will present an award to a Harkness student who will be continuing their education at a college or trade school or will be starting their own business upon graduation. An essay of 200 to 300 words related to their field of interest in which they are pursuing as a career goal. The Chamber will identify, on an annual basis, the name of the individual who will be honored "In Memory of" for that year. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Alden Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Award
The Alden Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Award is given to a graduating Alden High School senior who will be continuing their education in the field of Business, Finance, or Business Technology. An essay is required related to the field of study that the student is pursuing as a career goal. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Alden Community Scholarship Foundation Award
Scholarship Awards are given to eligible and deserving students of the current graduating class of Alden High School. These awards are made possible by the efforts of the Alden Community Scholarship Foundation and the community of Alden which supports its fundraising efforts. Applicants will be required to compose an essay of 200 words describing the following: volunteer community service that shows initiative and self-determination (dedication to the principles of volunteerism), community connection (who has benefited and how?), and why they have selected their chosen course of studies. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Alden High School PTO Scholarship
The Alden High School PTO will present one $500.00 scholarship to a graduating senior of Alden High School. The applicant must have been accepted to a college or trade school of their choice. The PTO encourages all senior students to apply. Applicants are asked to write a short essay (about 100 words) describing something in life they are passionate about and how it impacts their life, and include their career plans and future goals.
Alden K-8 PTO Scholarship
Members of the current graduating class of Alden High School will be recipients of the Alden K-8 PTO Scholarship. This fund comprises monies donated from the Primary, Intermediate and Middle School PTO organizations based on fund-raising activities held each year since the account was established in 2003. To be eligible, applicants must have been enrolled in the Alden Central School District for grades K-12. Students who can demonstrate concern and compassion for others by their involvement in community and service projects will be considered. To support their application, a listing by year or grade of all relevant community activities and total hours they have participated in during their years at Alden Middle School and Alden High School is requested. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Alden Teachers' Association Scholarship
Each year the Alden Teacher's Association awards scholarships to two graduating seniors. They are looking for evidence of academic success as well as school and community involvement. To apply for the Alden Teachers' Association Scholarship, please complete a one page, double-spaced, essay that answers the question below. In addition, the applicant must request character references from two Alden teachers. Their goal as educators, is to give students a strong foundation so that upon graduation they will have the tools needed to achieve a successful future. During the course of their academic career in the Alden Central Schools, describe two or three experiences that they have had that will help them achieve their future goals. In the essay, include what college they will attend, their intended major, and any future goals they hope to achieve by choosing that particular field. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Andrew Gramza Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Gramza, ACS class of 2007, was in a car accident in 2010. A number of strangers stopped to help him. Five Gowanda Correctional Officers on their way to work, James Nichols (US Marshall) and Stacy Dierolf Pipiles attended to Andrew until rescue crews arrived. For the next two weeks, Andrew received excellent care at the ECMC trauma unit and used many blood products. In an effort to "pay it back" Andrew's family created Andrew's Army and began hosting blood drives and fundraisers to support Connect Life (formerly known as Upstate New York Transplant Services). To date, over $165,000 has been donated to Connect Life to help support their mission of saving lives through tissue, eye, organ and blood donation. Over 12,000 patients in our local hospitals have received blood products from our blood drives over the past thirteen years. In addition, many people have signed up to be organ donors and support the annual five blood drives sponsored by Andrew's Army and Alden High School Donate Life Club. In honor of the Heroes who assisted Andrew at the scene of his accident: Robert Collins, Robert Havernick, Louis Petricca, James Makeyenko, Jon Matyas, James Nichols and Stacy Pipiles, Andrew's Army offers a scholarship to a Senior furthering their education in law or medicine. To promote blood and organ donation, a scholarship will be given to a Senior active in the Donate Life Club. A third and fourth scholarship will be given to kind people who have made a positive difference in someone else's life. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Anthony J. Agone Memorial Music Scholarship
This scholarship is given annually to a deserving graduating senior of Alden High School. This scholarship award has been established in memory of Anthony J. Agone, who was the Instrumental Music Teacher and Band Director at Alden Central School from 1949 to 1980, when he retired. His love of music has been an inspiration to many, but his integrity, honesty and dedication has been an inspiration to all. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Brett Gornewicz Memorial Scholarship
The Brett Gornewicz Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to the applicant with the best 400-600 word essay describing what patriotism means to them. Essays should include examples of individuals who the applicant feel live out or represent true patriotism.
Bulldog Manufacturing Scholarship
The Bulldog Manufacturing Scholarship is divided into two separate scholarships. Students are eligible for the one-year scholarship if they were enrolled in Bulldog Manufacturing for two semesters and maintained an average of 85% or higher. Students are eligible for the two-year scholarship if they were enrolled in Bulldog Manufacturing for four semesters and maintained an average of 85% or higher. The allocated funds will be determined based on the timeframe that the student was enrolled in the program. This scholarship will be given directly to each student to be used for post high school training/education, equipment and/or tools needed to enter the workforce.
Dolores A. Miller Scholarship
The Dolores A. Miller Scholarship is presented to an Alden High School graduating senior planning to continue their education in the field of secondary education in science or math, and who demonstrates the qualities needed to be a good teacher. Mrs. Miller taught science in the Alden School District for many years and wishes to encourage students to pursue a career in science education. Applicants must compose an essay, no more than one page, discussing why they have chosen this course of study. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Dr. Raymond May Scholarship
The Dr. Raymond May Scholarship was established in 1981 to memorialize Dr. May, Alden's country doctor. This scholarship is presented to an Alden graduating senior planning to pursue a health-related career. Preference is given to a student planning to pursue a Doctor of Medicine degree. Consideration will be given to an applicant's grades, honors, achievements, and financial need in making a selection. The recipient will receive the scholarship award upon providing evidence of successfully completing the first semester of college, in the year they graduate from Alden High School. Applicants are required to compose an essay. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Dr. Richard E. Gilbert Alden Alumni Scholarship Award
The former graduates of Alden Central High School, through the Alden Community Scholarship Foundation, are providing an annual Scholarship Award. The award will be given to a graduating senior who will be enrolled in any accredited post-secondary education program. Applicants will be required to compose an essay of 200 words, describing evidence of: high motivation, determination to succeed and lead, and further describing how these qualities of character will positively affect their future. Candidates may consider any community involvement, academics, school participation (clubs, sports, projects, plays, etc.) as evidence of these qualities of character. Preference may be given to a Senior whose parent or guardian is an Alden High School alumnus. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Elizabeth Rupert Memorial Scholarship
The Parent Teachers Organization of Alden Townline Primary School will award Scholarships in Memory of Elizabeth Rupert, a Second Grade Student who died of Leukemia in the 1998-99 school year. Primary School P.T.O. Officers may participate in the review of all applications. Every senior can apply. Preference may be given to applicants furthering their education and/or pursuing a career in the sciences. Applicants must attach a statement as to why they are deserving of this Scholarship. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Harrison "Harry" Hill Memorial Scholarship
Harrison "Harry" Hill Memorial: Alden Central Schools Football Coach 1962-1997, Athletic Director 1978-1997. To receive consideration, applicants must meet the following criteria: athletic excellence, strong ethical character, sportsmanship, leadership, and dedication to their team and school. The candidate must have demonstrated active leadership roles in community service, athletics, and/or similar co-curricular activities. Special preference will be given to students going into a sports related field.
Mike Hilburger Scholarship
The Mike Hilburger Scholarship shall be awarded to a college bound senior who has displayed leadership, a generosity of spirit and selfless cooperation while participating on an athletic, dramatic or scholastic team and plans to enter a field of study which will have a positive impact on the future. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Milton L. Babcock Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Milton L. Babcock Memorial Scholarship was established in 1996 in memory of Milton Babcock who taught Earth Science, General Science and Biology at Alden Central from 1963 to 1992. The scholarship established is a lasting means of encouraging Alden students to pursue careers in engineering, science education, the natural sciences defined as encompassing the earth, space, and biological sciences -- including the medical sciences, nursing and nutrition but excluding the social sciences. Applicants to be considered for this scholarship must maintain an overall high school grade of 80% or higher, have a high aptitude in science, and write an essay of 250 words explaining their career interests in the natural sciences and plans for the future. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Patricia Raynor Markel Memorial Scholarship
This $2000 scholarship will be awarded to a student planning to pursue a two year or four-year degree in Nursing, LPN or RN. Students are asked to write a 150-word description detailing their interest in nursing and their future plans in the health career field. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Student Congress/Denise Kipfer Memorial Scholarship
The Alden High School Student Congress annually makes scholarships available to graduating seniors of Alden High School. These scholarships are made in memory of former Alden student Denise Kipfer, who died as a result of an automobile accident in February of 1977. The scholarships are primarily based on leadership and involvement in the Student Congress. Applicants are required to submit a statement as to why they would be deserving of this scholarship. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
Terra Et Spiritus Scholarship
This scholarship was established to encourage community service and help foster a sense of accomplishment while doing good works. To pay it forward with acts of kindness creates a ripple effect from one person to another. Not only does it foster a feeling of joy and love, it has the power to expand outward exponentially. By helping our community through acts of kindness, service, or good works, we in turn help ourselves. Applicants are asked to explain how they have shown acts of kindness, service, or good works, and what effect it has had on them.
Terry Arndt Memorial for Environmental Sciences
Terry was an Alden Alumni, Class of 1971. He attended the University of Buffalo and then the University of Miami, graduating with a double degree in Biology and Marine Biology and a minor in Chemistry. He spent his life loving, learning and caring about Earth and all creatures. This scholarship award recipient will be majoring in one of the following areas of study: Marine Biology (Oceanography), Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, Geology, Chemistry.
The Ben Canetti Resiliency Scholarship
Ben Canetti graduated Alden high school in 1992 and shortly thereafter left for active-duty Air Force. During high school Ben was somewhat of a free spirit with no direction or future desires. He just knew someday he would "figure it out". When his senior year came, he enlisted in the military. To become a pilot, you need a bachelor's degree so he left active duty to move back to Buffalo to join the Air Force reserve at Niagara Falls Air Force Base and enroll in college. Ben spent the next 4 years taking max credits, working part time as a C-130 Flight Engineer and waiting tables at a local restaurant to pay for school, all so he could finish his degree in Computer Information Systems and apply to become an Officer and Pilot in the Air Force. For a high school student with no direction, little self-discipline and nothing to be proud of, he saw the rest of his career as more than just a pilot. While he raised his two daughters and deployed all over the world, he took this opportunity to find others like himself and mentor them into a career in the military and as a pilot. Ben is directly responsible for recruiting several pilots in the WNY area and showing them the path to the career he so loved. As he rose to the Air Force senior leadership level as the Squadrons Director of Operations, he always placed a very high emphasis on helping the "troublemakers" and the ones that didn't stay on the straight and narrow. Ben always remembered that the few that believed in him and the few that took the time to show they cared was a huge part of where he stood today. That was something he forever will pay forward. Ben overcame many obstacles, most of which were self-inflicted, to find out what it was he was supposed to do. The two lessons he learned above all else were to work hard, no one is handing you anything, and be involved in helping others, because the smallest of gestures can make a difference in someone else's life.
The Dave Lewis Glines, JR. Memorial Scholarship
The family of DJ Glines has established an Endowed Scholarship in his name and memory. DJ was an Alden High School graduate, class of 2010. DJ was registered as an organ donor; however, due to the nature of his untimely passing, this gift was not possible. Therefore, it is our hope that this scholarship, in DJ's name and memory, will still serve as an intended personal legacy of his for the benefit of others, for all the years to follow. This scholarship will be given annually in the amount of $1,500 to the eligible candidate, a graduate of Alden High School. Applicants are asked to write a 500-word essay describing a personal challenge that they navigated through to this point in their life. Preference will be given to candidates pursuing postsecondary education at either a trade school, certified vocational program, or within the allied health professions.
The George R. Schum Memorial Scholarship Award
The George R. Schum Memorial Scholarship Award will be presented to a deserving graduating senior of Alden High School. This scholarship award has been established in memory of George R. Schum, a member of the Alden Central Class of 1969. George was a leader and mentor in the hospitality industry and at the time of his death in August 2008, had enjoyed a fabulous 20-year career with the Walt Disney World Resort as Manager of Operations, Epcot Events. Preference will be given to a student continuing their education, at the college level, in one of the following fields: Culinary Arts, Culinary Skills, Hotel Management, Hospitality Management, Restaurant Management, Food Service Administration, Baking and Pastry Arts, Wine & Beverage Management, Winery Operations. Student applicants must submit a 300-word essay describing their career interest and goals in the hospitality or hotel management fields and provide one letter of recommendation from a member of the Alden High School faculty. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
The PFC. Robert A. McCarthy Memorial Scholarship
The PFC. Robert A. McCarthy Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of PFC. McCarthy USMC, who was a member of the Alden Central Class of 1968. Bob gave his life servicing in active duty as a U.S. Marine in Vietnam on February 25, 1969, only months after his graduation from ACS. The scholarship is only available to ACS students who are a Child or Grandchild of a Veteran of U.S. Military Service. This one-time Scholarship Award of $3,000.00 will be given based on financial need, character and educational pursuit. The award is to be used for educational expenses only at a two- or four-year institution of higher education. Applicants will be required to compose a short essay on how our Veterans who served and sacrificed in their U.S. Military Service have ensured the freedoms for them to pursue their educational goals. The essay is to include a statement of their relationship to their family's U.S. Military Veteran. The essay should also include the Veteran's Military Branch of Service and a brief summary of their Military Service. Applicants are asked to disclose any financial concerns not listed elsewhere. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
The Weisbeck Family Scholarship for the Trades
The Weisbeck Family Scholarship for the Trades is being established in memory of Gordon and Eileen Weisbeck of Alden. Gordon was a skilled mechanic who worked on large trucks, airplanes, tractors, motorcycles, and the Alden Central School District buses. Eileen, an accomplished seamstress and a business school graduate, worked as a bookkeeper, teacher and homemaker. This scholarship will be awarded to a student pursuing career training in the skilled trades. The training facility must be licensed and/or certified in the State, Province or Commonwealth where operating. This award is not to be used for correspondence, distance learning or on-line courses. Preference will be given to a student that attends a Harkness or Erie One Boces program in High School. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.
The Winegar Brothers Memorial Scholarship Award
Contributions in memory of CPL. Richard Winegar, USMC, and his brother, Lieutenant Gilbert Winegar, USAF, through the Alden Community Scholarship Foundation have made possible an award to a graduating Alden High School senior that is pursuing a career in business. Richard, Alden High School Class of '43, was killed February 26, 1945, on Iwo Jima, and was awarded the Silver Star posthumously. Gilbert, Alden High School Class of '41, a B29 Co-Pilot in WWII was killed February 26, 1955, while flying in an Air Reserve jet. This scholarship is open to all graduating seniors of Alden High School, who are pursuing post-secondary education in the field of business and finance. This scholarship is intended for non-tuition expenses.